![]() 北京云顶国际装备有限公司是一家专门为石油、石化、发电等行业提供装备、物资供应的集成专业供应商。公司总部设立在北京,并在海内建设了西安服务处、新疆服务处、廊坊服务处,同时,在外洋也建有项目需要的服务机构。 Beijing Huakai Guansheng Equipment Co., Ltd. is an integrated professional supplier specializing in the supply of equipment and materials for the petroleum, petrochemical and power generation industries. Headquartered in Beijing, the company has established Xi'an Office, Xinjiang Office and Langfang Office in China. At the same time, it also has overseas offices. 公司作为中国石油自然气股份有限公司华北油田分公司的市chang准入单元,曾为华北石油市chang提供了注水泵、加热炉、轮胎、油漆涂料等产物的供应和优质服务。 As the market access company of CNPC branch-PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, the company has provided products including water injection pumps, heating furnaces, tires, paints and coatings, and best quality services for the North China oil market. 通知书孟加拉单点系泊项目zeng订消防质料北京云顶国际装备有限公司2208.pdf 克日,我司顺遂通过ISO9001:2008质量治理系统认证。这标志着我司已步入规范化、尺度化、科学化的现代企业... 2月27日朗威公司与孟加拉陆军第24工程建设旅正式签署孟加拉吉大港-达卡制品油管道工程PMC条约。gai项目是公司独自... |